How To Use The Law Of Attraction In Your Relationship

Whether you are talking about the relationship you have with your family, or you are talking about the relationship you have with your lover, there is only one factor that matters, the thoughts you hold in your mind. If you hold positive thoughts about the people you interact with in your mind, you will continue to experience positive experiences whenever you are around them. On the other hand, if you continue to hold negative thoughts about the people you interact with in your mind, you will continue to attract negative experiences whenever you are around them.

The law of attraction states that like attracts like. Everything in the Universe is energy vibrating at a specific frequency too. The way you feel indicates the frequency at which you are presently vibrating. Whenever you feel good, you are then attracting good feeling experiences into your life, but whenever you feel bad, you are then attracting bad feeling experiences into your life.

Many people often blame others whenever they have bad experiences involving other people in their lives. In reality though, you are personally creating the life you are living. Whenever you encounter an undesirable experience involving another person, you only had that particular experience due to the thoughts you were thinking and the feelings you experienced as a result of thinking such thoughts.

If you would like to improve a relationship, you just have to change your thoughts about the relationship. For example, if there is someone in your life you think is mean, you just have to change your thoughts to match what it is you truly want to experience. To do so, start seeing them and thinking about them being nice to you. Once you start doing this, you will instantly notice an improvement in the way you feel and you will thereby attract experiences and interactions involving that person that match your newly established thoughts and feelings.

If nothing is more important to you than that you feel good, you can create a fantasy about someone in your life and they will then begin to evolve to match your fantasy, because the law of attraction is very powerful. Just by viewing your relationship differently, you will quickly change the nature of the relationship.

This information might be hard for some people to believe though. If you are having a hard time believing this to be true, it is best that you try to use this process in your relationships to see for yourself that it truly does work. For example, if you currently think and feel that your lover does not give you enough attention, try picturing your lover giving you tons of attention and find the feelings you would be feeling if this were true. Focus on these new thoughts and feelings as much as you can and try to avoid slipping back into your old patterns of thought. Once you do this, you will likely see a noticeable difference in your relationship practically immediately.

No matter what type of relationship you are working with, you can change the nature of the relationship just by changing the thoughts you hold in your mind about the relationship. Whenever you know what it is you do not want, because it makes you feel bad as you think about it, you also know what it is you truly do want since it is oftentimes the opposite of that which you do not want. If someone around you starts acting in a manner you do not find to be pleasing, simply ask yourself what it is you want from the relationship. Then, once you know exactly what it is you want, you can then give your undivided attention to it, find the feeling of having it now, and it will then become your reality practically immediately as a result.