How To Quantify Your Journeys

The process of quantifying your journeys is one of the best techniques you can use to achieve your grandest desires quickly and easily. In order to quantify your journeys, simply acknowledge the fact that when you feel good, you are moving towards the fulfillment of your desires and when you feel other than good, you are taking a temporary detour that does not lead to the fulfillment of your desires.

You can use this knowledge to achieve any goal too. Whether you want more money in your life, or more love in your life, when you feel good as you give your attention to your desires, you are moving towards their fulfillment and when you feel other than good, you are taking a temporary detour away from their fulfillment.

In order to picture this process more clearly, imagine a zigzag line and a straight line. The zigzag line is the path most people take towards the fulfillment of their desires. Most people give some of their attention to their desires, and they feel very good while doing so, but then they give the rest of their attention to all types of subjects that have nothing to do with what it is they truly want in life.

As a result, the vibrational frequencies of most people, or in other words, the way most people feel, is a mixture of many different subjects, points of attraction. The way you feel at all times is your point of attraction. When you feel good, you are attracting good feeling experiences.

For this reason, there is a much faster path you can take towards the fulfillment of your desires and this faster path is that of a straight line. A straight line is the fastest path you can take from one point to another. In order to travel towards the fulfillment of your desires in a straight line, simply do your best to nurture the way you feel to keep yourself feeling good. As you continue feeling good, and as you continue to give your attention to your desires, you will move towards the fulfillment of your desires in a straight line and they will begin to enter your life experiences very quickly as a result.

It is important to remember that you are always taking a detour away from your desire's fulfillment when you feel other than good. Whenever you find yourself feeling other than good, it is always due to your attention being placed upon subjects that are not harmonized with what it is you truly want to manifest in your life experience. As you give your attention to subjects that are not harmonized with that which you truly desire, your point of attraction, the way you feel, begins to shift to match your focus.

If you choose to always give your attention to what it is you want to manifest instead though, you are always moving in a good feeling direction and you are always moving towards the fulfillment of your desires. The better you feel, the better your life experience becomes too. As you think about your desires while feeling exceptionally good feelings, you are moving towards their fulfillment at a very rapid pace indeed.