The Relationship Between Your Thoughts, Feelings, And Experiences

When you think about what you want, but you do not feel very strong positive emotions or good feelings, you are attracting it unto you, but you are likely attracting experiences related to it that will also not trigger particularly strong positive emotions or good feelings within you. In order to attract experiences into your life that trigger strong positive emotions and correspondingly good feelings, you must think about what it is you want in a way that triggers equally strong positive emotions and good feelings within you.

As you can see, the experiences you have through your thoughts are directly related to the experiences you encounter throughout your life. Basically, the experiences you have through thought will become the experiences you encounter in real life. If you think thoughts that trigger strong positive emotions and good feelings, you can be certain that you will encounter real life experiences that also trigger strong positive emotions and good feelings. This correlation between thoughts and experiences exists because the way you feel is your point of attraction.

When you feel strong emotions as you think about a subject, you are at that moment setting your point of attraction at a point that will attract experiences that activate strong emotions within you. If you think about what it is you want but do not experience strong emotions as you think about it, you will attract it into your life, but the experiences encountered will not activate strong emotions within you.

As you can see, if you want to attract and create amazing experiences for yourself, you must think about that which you desire in a way that triggers strong uplifting emotions within you. As you think about what it is you want, you can take a variety of steps to enhance this powerful emotion within you too.

One of the easiest ways to generate this emotion is through the process of thinking more specifically about what it is you want. If you want more money, think about why you want more money. If you want a loving relationship, think about why you want a loving relationship. By thinking about why you want something, you will tap into the core of your desire and thereby attract experiences that will trigger strong uplifting emotions within you as long as the thoughts you think also trigger strong uplifting emotions within you.

You can also think exaggerated thoughts about your desire to produce this effect. As you think exaggerated thoughts about your desire, you will likely become even more satisfied with the thought you are focusing upon as a result. For example, if you want more money, simply increase the amount of money you are thinking about possessing to further generate enhanced positive emotions. If you want happiness, simply increase the level of happiness you are experiencing in your thoughts. By doing so, you will likely trigger strong positive emotions within you and you will then attract experiences that will also trigger strong positive emotions within you.

This relationship that exists between the thoughts, feelings, and experiences you encounter is fairly straightforward overall. The thoughts and feelings you have in the present are a depiction of the experiences you will have in the future. Now that you know this, you can think incredibly positive and happy thoughts that trigger powerful positive emotions within you to thereby create a life experience that will thrill you by triggering equally powerful positive emotions within you.