Are You Aligned With What You Want?

When you are aligned with what you want, you feel as if it is yours in the present moment. When you are in the process of aligning with what you want, you feel closer to the feeling of having it in each passing moment. If you do all you can to align with a desire by finding the feeling of having it right now, what you want must then become your reality.

The Universe is energy vibrating at specific frequencies. You can picture these frequencies by envisioning a large cloth with many vibrating strings throughout. The strings represent the many vibrational frequencies present throughout the Universe. You have the option of focusing upon any of these vibrations from your current perspective and the nature of this focusing ultimately depicts the nature of your future experiences.

When you are vibrationally aligned with a desire, you feel as if you already have it. If you were to keep your focus upon having what it is you desire, and the corresponding feeling generated by such thoughts, without giving any attention to lower and slower vibrations, you would instantly attract your desire into your life.

On the other hand, thoughts that do not make you feel good move you away from that which you desire and towards that which you do not want. When you give your attention to these thoughts, you begin to vibrationally align with them, a lower and slower vibrational frequency.

You can take advantage of this fact by recognizing the significance of the way you presently feel. If you currently feel as if you already have that which you desire, and you keep your focus placed upon such thoughts and feelings, it must then become your reality very quickly no matter how outlandish your desire may be.

If you want to be famous, and you find the feeling of being famous by imagining being famous, you can simply focus on the thoughts and feelings associated with the attainment of such a state to quickly move towards its fulfillment. You can do this to achieve wealth or any other goal too. To do so, simply imagine having more money than you have right now. Then, maintain your focus upon such thoughts of having more money and the good feelings that are associated with them.

Once you feel as if you have more money right now, your physical reality will then be forced to match the new vibration you have attained by perfectly matching the thoughts you have been giving your attention up to this point in time.