Are You Allowing Yourself To Be All That You Can Be?

The law of attraction is a very powerful law. Due to the law of attraction, everyone experiences a different life experience, but everyone experiences a life experience that is of their own making. The thoughts you think create the reality you experience in life. If you continue to think the same thoughts you have always thought, your life will remain relatively similar to its current state going into the future. On the other hand, if you make a decision to consciously direct your attention towards that which you are wanting, thoughts that make you feel good, you can create any type of life you want for yourself.

There are two important concepts you should familiarize yourself with if you want to learn how to use the law of attraction though. The first concept is known as allowing and the second concept is known as resisting. When you are allowing an experience, you are saying yes to it, but when you are resisting an experience, you are saying no to it.

In order to create the life you want to live, you simply need to start saying yes to the life experiences you would like to experience more of in the future. As you give your attention to experiences you would like to enjoy in the future, you will start to attract those experiences into your life.

When you are allowing, saying yes to an experience, you feel good, but when you are resisting by saying no to an experience, you feel bad in return. In order to start allowing more and resisting less, you will need to start giving your attention to thoughts that make you feel good rather than bad.

There is another important aspect of allowing and resisting you should be aware of though. There are peaks and valleys you can go through even when aware of the concepts known as allowing and resisting. When you are allowing, you are flying high and feeling good, but when you are resisting, you are flying low and feeling bad.

The key is to find a way to peak as often and as high as possible. By finding thoughts that make you feel incredibly good, and by maintaining your focus on those thoughts, you can greatly increase the attraction of those subjects into your life.

When you are focused on the best feeling thoughts you can find, and you feel as if you are experiencing the best feeling experiences possible, you are peaking towards your full potential. At any other time you do not feel incredibly good though, you are below your full potential.

In order to be the most you can be and reach your full potential, you must focus on the best feeling thoughts you can find as often as you can. When you are focused on the best feeling thoughts you can find, you are moving towards the fulfillment of your desires at a very rapid pace overall.