The Importance Of Feelings

If you want to make the law of attraction work for you, you must first understand the importance of feelings. Feelings are incredibly important in life, because they depict the type of experiences you are going to experience in the future. By controlling the way you feel, you can take control of your life.

The Universe is a vibrational universe. Everything possesses a unique vibrational frequency and objects of a similar vibrational nature are attracted to one another. When you feel good, you are attracting good feeling experiences, but when you feel bad, you are attracting bad feeling experiences.

As you can see, the way you feel is very important. Most people ignore their feelings and simply let their attention go wherever it may throughout the duration of their lives. As a result, their lives become rather chaotic and unpredictable and they often look back at their lives wondering why they ended up where they did.

You can avoid this simple mistake by acknowledging the importance of your feelings. If you do not believe your feelings play a vital role in your life, you should observe the relationship between the way you feel and the type of experiences you are experiencing in any given moment.

When you focus on feeling good, you attract good feeling experiences into your life. You can see this phenomenon in action when you feel good and are enjoying the experiences streaming into your life in those moments. You can also see this phenomenon in action when you do not feel good and are not enjoying the experiences streaming into your life as well.

Once you are aware of the connection between the way you feel and the experiences you have in life, you will be in a very powerful position to create your future. If you can find a way to make yourself feel good by directing your thoughts towards subjects that make you feel good, you will be able to attract good feeling experiences into your life.

The way you feel is a prediction of the experiences you will come across in the future. Due to this relationship that exists between the way you feel and the experiences you attract into your life, your life will become increasingly better as you find ways to make yourself feel better in the present moment.

While your life experiences may not always perfectly match the thoughts you commonly think, the essence of the thoughts you think will always perfectly match the essence of your life experiences.

As you give your attention to good feeling thoughts, you will attract good feeling experiences in a generalized sense. Also, if you avoid giving your attention to subjects that make you feel bad, you can focus on subjects that make you feel good instead to further improve the essence of your future experiences.

By simply directing your attention towards the best feeling thoughts and subjects you can find in any given moment, you will create gloriously blissful and good feeling life experiences for yourself.