The True Value Of Your Desires

There is great value in giving your attention to that which you really want in life. When you give your attention to small goals that are pleasing, but are not what you are really wanting, you vibrate in harmony with a lower and slower frequency compared to the vibrational frequency you would be vibrating at if you were to give your attention to that which you truly want in life. When you give your attention to what it is you are really wanting in any given moment, you are at that moment vibrating at one of the highest and fastest frequencies you can achieve.

Also, what you want in life is truly your purpose for living, or even more so, the purpose of life. If you were to go through life without knowing this fact, you would find many things you like about the Universe, but you would also find many things that you do not like about the Universe. The higher and faster vibrational frequencies in the Universe, the thoughts and experiences that make you feel good, can improve the vibrational essence of your current life experience and they can reduce your exposure to vibrational frequencies, or experiences, you do not find to be tantalizing.

If the subjects in life you truly want to experience did not exist, what would the purpose of your life be? What goals would you set for the future and why would you want to experience and see the future? Without the subjects in life you find to be exhilarating, you would not have a reason to live, and if you did, you would likely not find your life to be satisfying.

So, if you have ever wondered what the purpose of life is, you now know that the purpose of life is that which you truly want out of life. The thoughts, ideas, and experiences you find to be most desirable are the purpose of life and you can continue to move towards fulfilling your purpose for living by giving your attention to thoughts, ideas, and experiences that make you feel very good, or in other words, that which you want.

The value of what you want in life is truly inestimable. The things you want in life will continue to make you feel good as you continue giving your attention to them. And as you give your attention to that which you want, you will continue to attract good feeling experiences into your life thereby creating a very good feeling life experience for yourself overall.

Since the subjects in life that make you feel good are the true purpose of your life, you should certainly start giving more attention to things that make you feel good and less attention to things that make you feel bad. As you continue giving your attention to things that make you feel good, you will find the process of focusing on your desires becoming easier and easier to do and you will create a life experience that makes you feel as good as the thoughts that created it.