Why Is Life Giving You What You Are Getting?

You can always tell why you are experiencing a particular experience by reviewing the thoughts you have been thinking lately, or that which you have been giving your attention to lately, that makes you feel similarly to the way you feel as you give your attention to that which you are currently experiencing. You can also tell what you are about to experience in life by observing the way you feel right now, because the way you feel is your current point of attraction.

This information can play a very important role in your life if you learn how to harness the power of the law of attraction. Once you know how to harness the law of attraction, you will be able to direct your life in any direction you wish to go. In order to get started right now, start by observing the way you feel as you give your attention to various subjects throughout the day.

As you begin to pay attention to the way you feel as you focus on various subjects, you will discover subjects that make you feel good and you will discover subjects that make you feel bad. As a result of this exposure to various vibrations that produce such feelings, you will learn more about that which you want most in life and you will be able to expand your vision of the future so that you may improve the way you feel by focusing on this expanded vision.

Then, once you know about the various subjects in your life that make you feel good, you will know exactly what you want to experience in life. As you continue giving your attention to what it is that you want, you will begin to feel very good in general. Once you start to feel good on average, you will begin to experience that which you have been wanting to experience all along.

If you do not believe this will occur, simply start paying attention to the way you feel when something significant happens in your life. In most cases, you will likely be able to find recent thoughts that were similar in vibrational essence to that of your current experience. The vibrational essence of a thought or experience is the way the thought or experience makes you feel. So, when you give your attention to a desire, you are giving your attention to subjects that make you feel good, subjects that have a vibrational essence that is similar in nature to the vibrational essence of the most recent desirable thoughts you have been thinking prior to that point in your life.

Whenever you are wondering why you are experiencing a specific experience, you can simply review past thoughts that are similar in nature to the experience you are currently going through. Once you have found the thoughts that are similar in nature to that which you are currently going through, you will know exactly why you are where you are right now.

You can also use this information to powerfully create your future as well. By giving your attention to thoughts that make you feel good, you will create a future life experience of a similar nature. In summary, if you give your attention to thoughts that make you feel good, you will attract experiences that also make you feel good. The better the thoughts you find using your imagination make you feel, the better your future life experiences will be too.