An Effective Law Of Attraction Technique

One of the most effective law of attraction techniques you can use requires only a picture of what it is that you want and a little bit of imagination. To use this process, find a picture of that which you desire. Then, imagine jumping through the picture you have found and imagine being who you want to be, or having what it is that you want to have, or enjoying the experiences you would like to experience.

This process can be incredibly fun, entertaining, and also very powerful. The law of attraction operates with a very simple principle, like attracts like. In order to attract whatever it is that you want, you have to find a way to become more like the person you want to be. Once you are the person you want to be, you will be harmonized with your desires and you will be living the life you want to live.

This is a vibrational Universe. Everything is energy vibrating at various frequencies. As you give your attention to thoughts of being who you want to be, or having what it is you want to have, or enjoying the experiences you would like to experience, you begin to vibrate in harmony with your desires. As a result of focusing on what you want, you will begin to vibrate in harmony with it and thus attract experiences that are also vibrationally harmonized with it.

You can identify the frequency at which you are vibrating in any given moment by simply observing the way you feel. When you feel as if you have what you want, you are attracting more experiences that will make you feel as if it is truly yours. For this reason, the more you feel as if you already have what you want, the more experiences you will have in the future that are in alignment with that which you want in life.

Of course, you could take a picture of what you want and give it your attention to align with it, but this will only align you with it to a limited degree, because you will likely only be able to give a small amount of attention to the picture compared to the amount of attention that is given to your current reality. If you take this route, you will actually end up attracting a lot more of that which already is a reality compared to that which you want to attract into your life.

By using a picture to jump into the experiences you desire to have, you will fully immerse yourself within the world you are trying to create. When you do this, you will give more attention to the life you want to create for yourself than your present reality. As a result, you will begin to vibrate in harmony with the dream you have created for yourself rather than your current reality.

Since like attracts like too, you will begin to attract more experiences that are harmonized with the dream you have created, because the way you feel is your point of attraction, and when you imagine having the experiences you want to have, you actually feel as if you are really having those experiences.

In summary, to use a very effective law of attraction technique, find a picture of what it is that you want. Now that you have a picture of it, imagine jumping into the picture and imagine having the experiences you want to have right now. Do whatever you want after jumping into the picture, but make sure you feel good as you have these experiences, because when you feel good, you are attracting good feeling experiences into your life. Also, do everything you can to find the feelings you would feel were you actually having these imagined experiences. When you feel as if you are truly having an experience, you set your point of attraction at a place that will attract those experiences into your life. After finding the feeling of having a particular experience, you can focus on that feeling to attract the manifestation of your desire very quickly, because the way you feel is your point of attraction.