Where Do Thoughts Come From?

When using the law of attraction, it is important for you to deliberately direct your attention towards that which you want in life. It is also of particular importance that you think about what you want as often as possible. While the process of thinking about what you want may seem like a very simple and easy process to complete, it can actually be quite challenging to do at times. By understanding the nature of thought, and by understanding where thoughts come from, you will be in a much better position to deliberately direct your attention towards that which you are wanting.

Thoughts come from the way you feel, but they are also generated by your experiences and previous thoughts you have focused upon, all of which were attracted by the way you felt in the past. The way you feel is your point of attraction and thus thoughts that are generated within your mind are the result of the way you feel. You are constantly attracting thoughts that are vibrationally harmonized with the way you feel. If you feel good, you are at that moment attracting good feeling thoughts into your life.

For this reason, it is particularly important that you do your best to control the way you feel if you wish to have any sort of control over your life. If you do not control the way you feel, you will inevitably attract experiences that are not harmonized with your desires. If you do control the way you feel though, you will be in a powerful position to control the experiences you attract into your life.

While you may not always know how you should think or act to accomplish your grandest desires, you always know how you want to feel. By focusing on how you would like to feel, you can maintain complete control over the thoughts and experiences you attract. Also, as you improve the way you feel by focusing on good feelings, you will improve the way in which future thoughts and experiences you attract will make you feel.

Now that you understand the way you feel is your point of attraction, you can do everything in your power to improve the way you feel. Anything you do to improve the way you feel will improve your point of attraction. You can also improve the way you feel by deliberately directing your attention towards that which you want through your thoughts.

The deliberate directing of your thoughts should be guided by the way you feel. The feelings produced by the deliberate direction of your thoughts will become amplified by the law of attraction. Thus, you will experience a slight improvement in the way you feel as you begin to deliberately direct your thoughts and this slight improvement in the way you feel will result in a significantly more dramatic improvement in the way you feel over time as you continue to deliberately direct your thoughts towards good feeling subjects.