The Nature Of Pleasure

This vibrational Universe consists of energy vibrating at an infinite number of vibrational frequencies. This means that you too are vibrating at a specific vibrational frequency, but there are an infinite number of vibrational frequencies that are higher, faster, and purer than where you currently stand. As you move upwards on the vibrational scale towards these higher, faster, purer vibrational frequencies, you experience pleasure.

Once you have reached the next level on the vibrational scale though, the new vibration you have attained becomes familiar to you, just as the previous vibrational frequency you maintained used to be familiar to you. Also, once you have moved up the vibrational scale, you will begin to pay more attention to vibrational frequencies that are even higher up the vibrational scale, because while the current vibration you maintain once gave you pleasure, it is no longer different from the vibration you presently maintain and thus it does not give you as much pleasure as higher, faster, and purer vibrational frequencies can give.

At this point, you will then try to reach the next level on the vibrational scale by giving your attention to thoughts and experiences that are harmonized with higher, faster, and purer vibrational frequencies since this process continues on forever.

With this knowledge, you can now better understand your circumstances when you find yourself unable to extract pleasure from a subject that once was the ultimate source of pleasure in your life, for as you achieve vibrational harmony with a subject, the difference between where you are and the vibrational frequency that gave you pleasure is drastically reduced and thus the pleasure of the vibrational frequency is more difficult to observe since you are vibrating in almost perfect harmony with its vibrational frequency.

In order to continue to extract pleasure from your life experience, you must move further up the vibrational scale through thought. For example, if you once extracted pleasure from thoughts of making a few thousand dollars per month through your job, but now that you have attained that goal the idea of making a few thousand dollars per month no longer gives you pleasure, you must now switch your focus to a new point of focus that is higher up the vibrational scale, such as a few tens of thousands of dollars per month for example, to derive pleasure from such thoughts.

As you switch your focus to these higher, faster, and purer vibrational frequencies, there will then be a disparity between where you currently vibrate on the vibrational scale and where you want to be. This disparity is the source of all pleasure, and as you move up the vibrational scale, you will achieve markedly improved states of being that will give you an ever increasing amount of pleasure.