The Way You Feel Creates Future Feelings

The way you feel right now is the way you will feel in the future. This phenomenon occurs due to the vibrational nature of the Universe. The way you feel is an indication of your current vibrational frequency and it is your point of attraction. Thus, you attract vibrational frequencies, thoughts and experiences, that match the vibrational frequency you are personally vibrating at in the present moment.

As a result, the life experiences you will encounter in the future will match the way you feel in the present moment, for the vibrational frequency of your future experiences must match your point of attraction which is equal to the vibrational frequency at which you currently vibrate.

For this reason, if you wish to improve your life, it is of the utmost importance that you find a way to feel better. Every step you make towards feeling better will ultimately improve the experiences you attract into your life, for as you change the way you feel, your vibrational frequency, the vibrational frequency of your life experience changes as well.

If you were to remain vibrating at your present vibrational frequency, you would attract experiences that are a vibrational match to the experiences you are currently going through. In other words, if you were to remain feeling the same way you presently feel, you would attract experiences that are a vibrational match to the present experiences you are going through, experiences that would make you feel the same way you presently feel.

Before you start manipulating the way you feel though, you should be aware of the fact that there are an infinite number of vibrational frequencies that are higher, faster, and purer than the vibrational frequency at which you presently vibrate. Thus, there is no limit to the amount of accomplishments or the type of experiences you can potentially encounter in the future.

If you would like to improve the experiences you attract into your life going into the future, you just have to adjust your focus to do so. You can adjust your focus by changing the object of your attention as you look at the world around you. For example, rather than giving your attention to a subject you currently give a significant amount of attention, you can adjust your focus by giving your attention to another subject that is present in your everyday life.

You can also adjust the vibrational frequency you vibrate at by changing the thoughts you think on a regular basis. Rather than mulling over the same old thoughts you think each and every day, you can change your focus by developing new thoughts within your mind. As you adjust your focus while viewing the world around you, and as you adjust your focus by changing the thoughts you think, you will immediately change the way you feel, the vibrational frequency at which you vibrate, and you will thus also change the vibrational frequencies of the various experiences that are attracted into your life.