Your Vibrational Frequency

Your personal vibrational frequency always matches the vibrational frequency of your thoughts. This process affects every subject in your life and every thought you think affects your personal vibrational frequency. For this reason, if you truly want to live a great life, you should do your best to constantly offer thoughts that match a vibrational frequency of your choosing.

You can measure the vibrational frequency of a thought or experience by observing the way you feel. As you give your attention to a subject, you can observe the way that subject makes you feel to instantly tell whether or not it is of a vibrational frequency you find to be desirable.

You can do this process with thoughts too. The moment you think a thought, your body's vibration begins to harmonize with the vibrational frequency of the thought. You experience these minute shifts in your vibration as emotion. These thoughts and emotions will ultimately impact the vibrational frequency you vibrate at and the vibrational frequency of the experiences you attract.

You can tell whether or not the vibrational frequency of a thought or experience is harmonized with your desires by observing the way you feel as you give the thought or experience your attention. If you feel good as you give a specific thought or subject your attention, you can be certain the vibrational frequency that thought or subject vibrates at is of a desirable frequency.

Once you start seeing the relationship between your personal vibrational frequency and the vibrational frequency of your life experiences, you will be in a position to give your attention to the most desirable vibrational frequencies available to you in any given moment concerning every subject in your life.