Why You Can't Manifest Your Desires

Your current life experience is a manifestation. Many people have a hard time manifesting their desires, because they do not understand this one simple fact. If you attempt to manifest your desires, but you continue to look at what you have already manifested, your current life experience, you will continue to attract the same circumstances into your life.

Your current state of affairs equals your average thought up to this point in time. Your current experience is literally a vibrational match to the average frequency of your thoughts.

With this knowledge in hand, you can now avoid giving your attention to whatever happens to be so that you may create an entirely different life story for yourself by giving your attention to thoughts that are of a vibrational frequency you find to be desirable. Then, as a result of this change in your focus, the average frequency of the thoughts you have considered up to this moment in time will be altered and your life experience will then match the newly established average frequency of your thoughts.

Another mistake many people make when they fail to manifest their desires is the mistake of giving their attention to subjects that are not vibrationally harmonized with their desires. If you fail to avoid giving your attention to subjects that do not make you feel as if your desires have already been fulfilled, subjects that are not a vibrational match to your desires, you will fail to manifest your desires, because you will thus manifest a life experience that is a vibrational match to those thoughts instead.

By only giving your attention to subjects that are a vibrational match to your desires, subjects that make you feel as if your desires have already been fulfilled, you will thereby manifest a life experience that is a perfect vibrational match to your desires and you will soon be living your dreams.