The Sum Of Your Thoughts

All that you are equals the sum of your thoughts. Thus, if you wish to create change in your life, you must be willing to create change in your thoughts. As you change the thoughts you think, the sum of your thoughts will change as well and since your life experience is the sum of your thoughts, your life will be improved if you choose to focus on better thoughts.

Since your life experience equals the sum of your thoughts, the way you feel is also equal to the sum of your thoughts and the feelings you have felt. For this reason, you should do your best to find the best feelings you can find right now.

As a result of this decision to choose good feelings, your future life experience will feel much better to you overall and you will find the experiences you attract into your life to be much more satisfying overall as well.

There are numerous techniques you can use to alter the thoughts you think and the feelings you feel. To start, simply find something that makes you feel good as you give your attention to it. Then, as you immerse yourself into those good feeling thoughts and feelings, you will be in a better position to find something that makes you feel even better. As you give your attention to the best feeling thoughts and feelings you can find, you will be improving your future life experiences to the greatest extent possible.