Thought Percentages

The percentage of thoughts you think about each subject in your life experience depicts the percentage of manifestations that will match each one and the vibrational distance that must be traveled for your desires to manifest. Thus, if you want to manifest $100 a day, and you are presently making $1 a day, you are at that moment manifesting your desires one percent of the time.

In other words, one percent of your experiences match your desires. One percent of your thoughts match your desires. One percent of your present focus matches your desires. You feel one percent as good as you would feel were your desires to manifest.

You must improve the way you feel by one hundred times to manifest your desires. The average frequency of your thoughts must be increased by one hundred times in order for your desires to manifest. Your attention to points of focus in the present moment that match your desires must be increased by one hundred times. For example, rather than giving your attention to a television, you can give your attention to making money and thus increase your focus upon subjects that are harmonized with your desire to make $100 per day.

If you think thoughts that are below the frequency of your desires, thoughts that make you feel worse than you would feel were your desires to manifest, you must then give your attention to thoughts that make you feel equally better than the frequency of your desires makes you feel in order for them to manifest, unless you harmonize the average thought you think with the frequency of your desires while removing lower frequency outlying thoughts from your attention.

You could be giving one hundred times more of your attention to your desires, and if you did, they would manifest since your life experience always matches the thoughts you think and if a hundred percent of your focus were to be placed upon your desires, your life experience would then reflect your desires one hundred percent of the time, a result that matches the fulfillment of your desires and allows for you to feel and experience the fulfillment of your desires also for one hundred percent of the time.