Vibrational Immersion

Vibrational immersion is the process of utilizing manifestations, thoughts and experiences, that are vibrationally similar to your desires in order to create your reality. Manifestations that are vibrationally similar to your desires are manifestations that make you feel similarly to the way you would feel were your desires to manifest.

While these manifestations may not match your desires precisely, they are still of a vibrational frequency that is similar to your desires and you can utilize this fact to your advantage.

To do so, simply immerse yourself within the vibrational frequencies of desirable subjects to the best of your abilities by imagining a color, a feeling, or even a thought you can associate with them to make yourself feel good. You can also immerse yourself within experiences that are vibrationally similar to your desires to make yourself feel good.

Even though the vibrational frequency being focused on may not be a perfect match to your desires, it will still bring you closer to vibrating in harmony with your desires as you move up the emotional scale by immersing yourself within the vibrational frequencies of desirable subjects.

Then, you will have access to more advanced vibrational frequencies in the form of better feeling thoughts and experiences that are associated with your desires and you will be able to manifest your desires from that state of being with greater ease.