Access To Information

Information is energy vibrating at specific frequencies. Access to the most information in existence is made available through the highest known vibrational frequency and other forms of specific information are of lower and slower vibrational frequencies. The amount of information you can access in any given moment is equal to your personal vibrational frequency, the way you feel. The point at which you vibrate on this infinite scale is also equal to the amount of energy you are allowing to flow through you and the better you feel, the more energy you are allowing to flow through you.

No matter which subject you are giving your attention, you only have access to an amount of information that is equal to and harmonized with the amount of energy you are allowing to flow through you. This phenomenon is the source of your unique perspective and it is the reason why two people can look at the same point of focus and have two very distinct experiences while doing so.

Individual points of consciousness only have access to an amount of information that is equal to the point at which they vibrate on the infinite scale. While this amount of information is always limited, those who perceive the world often believe they can see the whole picture since they do not realize that their perception of you as they give you their attention is actually more about them than it is about you, for if they were simply vibrating higher upon the infinite vibrational scale, they would have access to more information about you that is also of a higher frequency and thus see you in a more positive light as a result.

Even so, if you are vibrating at a higher vibrational frequency than them, they will begin to vibrate in harmony with you thereby allowing more energy to flow and their perspective of you will continually improve as they continually move up the infinite vibrational scale.

For this reason, you should attempt to move up the infinite vibrational scale as much as possible to gain access to more information about every point of focus you give your attention and thus be able to make more accurate assessments of everything you focus upon. Also, by doing this, you will improve the vibrational frequencies of those who focus upon you to a greater extent and their perspective of you will thus be improved to the extent you choose to move up the infinite vibrational scale.