The Law Of Attraction And Civilization

The future of civilization will be shaped by the way in which civilization as a whole chooses to focus. If civilization as a whole chooses to focus mostly on prosperity, experiences that involve mostly prosperity will be created.

The experiences civilization will attract in the future will ultimately match its focus, for as civilization gives its attention to specific subjects, it begins to vibrate in harmony with those subjects and it attracts thoughts that relate to them. Then, as the attraction becomes stronger, civilization also attracts experiences that match its focus.

Thus, the thoughts, experiences, ideas, subjects, media, etc., a society gives its attention alters the vibrational frequency at which it vibrates, the average feeling felt by individuals within that society, and this change in its vibrational frequency ultimately alters the types of experiences it attracts.

The future of a society is also altered by the focus of individuals within that society. As an individual focuses on various subjects, they begin to vibrate in harmony with those subjects and as they vibrate at a specific vibrational frequency, the vibrational frequency of others who give them their attention is altered to match. Then, those people go on to also alter the vibrational frequency of countless others too and this process spreads throughout the entirety of civilization.

In this way, an individual can alter the vibrational frequency of the entire society they live within, for as a person improves their vibrational frequency, the vibrational frequency of everyone around them is also improved and this improvement spreads throughout the entirety of society.