Vibrational Balance

Your average life experience matches the average vibrational frequency to which you have attuned yourself, your vibrational balance. For instance, if you attune yourself to a very good feeling vibrational frequency by giving your attention to subjects that match it, but then you also give your attention to a bad feeling vibrational frequency by giving your attention to subjects that match it instead, your average vibrational frequency will be of a frequency that is between the two vibrational frequencies being focused upon and thus your life experience will be of a vibrational frequency that is between the two vibrational frequencies being focused upon as well.

Vibrational averaging is a particularly important concept, because with this knowledge you can now understand the effects your attention upon negative bad feeling points of focus can produce and you can see how they are not as bad as they may seem, but you can also understand why it so desirable for you to switch your focus away from them whenever possible. Understanding the concept of vibrational averaging can also help you to better understand the benefit and significance of tapping into higher good feeling vibrational frequencies as well.

By doing so, you shift the balance in your favor by improving the average vibrational frequency at which you vibrate thereby improving the average vibrational frequency of your life experiences. Every time you give your attention to a very good feeling vibrational frequency, you improve the average vibrational frequency of your life experience by improving the average vibrational frequency you vibrate at, the average feeling you feel.