Vibrational Distance To Your Desires

The vibrational distance to the manifestation of your desires is always defined by measuring your vibrational frequency, the way you feel, in relation to the frequency you would maintain were your desires to manifest, the way you would feel were your desires to manifest. Thus, the distance to your desires is equal to the difference between these two frequencies.

For example, if the desired frequency you want to maintain equals the vibrational frequency matching the possessing of six hundred thousand dollars, yet your frequency is equal to the vibrational frequency matching the possessing of three hundred thousand dollars, you must then move up the vibrational emotional scale to be twice as high as you are at present and thus feel twice as good as you presently feel in order to achieve your desire.

This principle could also be viewed from the perspective of vibrational averages too. The average vibrational frequency of your thoughts must equal the vibrational frequency matching the possessing of six hundred thousand dollars in order for your reality to match this particular frequency. Thus, if you think thoughts that make you feel worse than you would feel were your desires to manifest, you would then need to think thoughts that are equally more desirable than the frequency of your desires to make the average frequency of your thoughts be equal to your desires. In other words, to match the selected vibrational frequency matching the possessing of six hundred thousand dollars, you should purposefully give your attention to thoughts that match such a state, or thoughts of an even higher frequency, such as thoughts that make you feel as if your desires have been fulfilled or even better.