The Nature Of Addictions

Addictions arise when a person gives their attention to a good feeling vibrational frequency that results in them wanting to give more of their attention to the good feeling vibrational frequency. As a person gives their attention to a good feeling vibrational frequency, a point of focus that makes them feel good, they then desire to give more of their attention to that good feeling vibrational frequency to continue feeling the good feeling they experience as they do so.

This initial desire then ultimately leads to their wanting to give the majority of their attention to the good feeling vibrational frequency in order to stop their attention from shifting towards the contrast inherent in life that is often of a lower and less desirable vibrational frequency than the vibrational frequency they have become addicted to.

As well as developing a desire to give their attention to the desirable vibrational frequency, they also attract experiences matching that vibrational frequency as well and as they give their attention to that vibrational frequency in their life experiences, they attract even more thoughts and experiences that are a vibrational match to the vibrational frequency they have become addicted to.

While this is the natural form addictions come in, you can also create artificial addictions by utilizing the power of the law of attraction to attract your desires. As you give your attention to a vibrational frequency on purpose, you begin to vibrate in harmony with that vibrational frequency and attract thoughts and experiences that match it as a result. As you continue to give your attention to that vibrational frequency on purpose as you attract thoughts and experiences that match, the attraction between yourself and the vibrational frequency will become even more powerful and as you continue to align with this vibrational frequency, the power of the attraction will continue to increase in strength and eventually become all consuming if your focus continues to follow this pattern. This process of creating addictions by design can be incredibly useful if you identify desirable points of focus you want to become addicted to and then apply this process to those vibrational frequencies.

Addictions can be erased just as easily as they are created by simply pulling your attention away from the vibrational frequency you are addicted to by replacing it through the process of focusing on a different vibrational frequency. This process is generally easier when the new vibrational frequency being focused upon is similar to the one you are addicted to, but they can be different to an extent in order to make this process work more effectively. As you focus on a new vibrational frequency, a new point of focus, you will begin to harmonize with that vibrational frequency instead of the one you are addicted to and you will then attract thoughts and experiences that match it and this will add power to the attraction of this new vibrational frequency. As this process continues, the addiction to the original vibrational frequency will eventually be completely erased.