Vibrational Alignment

Vibrational alignment is the process of aligning with a specific vibrational frequency. The vibrational frequency with which you are aligned depicts the type of experiences you attract. As you align with a specific vibrational frequency, you experience that vibrational frequency through your thoughts and experiences.

As you think about having an experience, you experience the vibrational frequency of that experience and actually have the experience just as you would if it were an experience occurring in your physical reality. Also, as you align with a vibrational frequency to find the feeling of fulfilling your desires, at that moment you feel as if your desires have been fulfilled just as you would if your desires were to be fulfilled in your physical reality.

As a result, aligning with a vibrational frequency through thought is equal to aligning with a vibrational frequency through experiences and both paths provide you with the same life experience. When you feel as if you have what you want, or feel as if you are who you want to be, you really do have what you want and you are who you want to be at that moment. You are always aligned with a vibrational frequency and the one you are aligned with is the vibrational frequency you are focused upon. When you are focusing on the vibrational frequency of your desires, thoughts and points of focus that make you feel as if your desires have been fulfilled, you are at that moment aligned with your desires.