The Attraction Of People

You attract people who match the thoughts you hold in your mind. If you believe everyone is good, then you attract good people, but if you do not trust people and you are skeptical about the goodness of everyone, you attract experiences promoting your skepticism.

Also, the way you think about those in your current life experience affects the type of people you attract in the future. If you think highly about those around you, you will attract more people to think highly about. If you think poorly about those around you, you will attract more people to think poorly about.

You will attract people who match the thoughts you hold in your mind concerning those around you right now whether or not your thoughts about those around you right now are accurate too. So, if you think poorly about someone, or even many people, in your current life experience, and those people do not actually match the thoughts you think about them, you will ultimately replace those people with people who better match the thoughts you are thinking due to the law of attraction.

You can use this phenomenon to your advantage by thinking about those around you in a desirable manner. By doing so, you will then attract people into your life who match the desirable thoughts you think. Plus, the more desirable do you make these thoughts, the more desirable will be the experiences that are attracted into your life.