Vibrational Reverberations

Vibrational reverberations are created by your thoughts, and they are equal in nature to ripples in a pond that reach the edge of the pond and bounce back to their point of origin. These reverberations are essentially vibrations that are relics of vibrations that were created in the past. They frequently affect your personal vibrational frequency and you are continually affected by them for as long as you are vibrating within proximity of the vibrational frequencies of the thoughts that created them.

The manifestations of these reverberations come in the form of recurring thoughts and habits. That is why it can be somewhat difficult to change the thought patterns you have developed throughout your lifetime, because as you attempt to change your thought patterns, vibrational reverberations from past thoughts you focused on are still affecting your personal vibration, the way you feel, and thus you must continue to think thoughts that are vibrationally similar to your past thoughts even when you attempt to purposefully change them to better match your desires. These reverberations also cause you to attract experiences that match them, and if these experiences are given your attention, these reverberations are magnified and thus perpetuate their effect upon your vibration by attracting more experiences that match.

This phenomenon can be particularly useful if you are aware of it though, because you can begin to focus on the best feeling thoughts you can find with the knowledge that you will begin to vibrate in harmony with them and also create more vibrational reverberations that are vibrationally similar to the best feeling thoughts you can find. As a result, these vibrational reverberations will make you continue to think thoughts that are vibrationally similar to the best feeling thoughts you can find, and these reverberations will also alter your point of attraction and allow for you to attract good feeling thoughts and experiences into your life.