The Illusory Universe

While you may have been led to believe that the Universe is of a certain nature due to your past experiences and what others have told you, you should be aware that the Universe is an illusory Universe. It is illusory, because as you give your attention to any subject or experience, you are essentially tapping into an energy based vibrational frequency that matches the subject or experience you are focusing upon. As you give your attention to any vibrational frequency, you attract experiences that match it and you thus develop beliefs concerning the Universe that match your experiences.

Due to the nature of the Universe, you have the ability to control the beliefs you form by tapping into vibrational frequencies of your choosing. As you tap into vibrational frequencies of your choosing, you will ultimately attract thoughts, subjects, and experiences that match them. This process will then lead to the development of new beliefs concerning the Universe that match the vibrational frequencies you have chosen to focus on and since your beliefs represent your perception of the Universe, you have complete control over your perceptions of the entire Universe by controlling the beliefs you develop. Life is like watching a TV. If you find yourself watching something you do not like, you can just change the channel by changing the thoughts you think.