An Absolute Belief

While a belief in the existence of the law of attraction is hardly required since there is a substantial amount of physical evidence of its existence present in your everyday life, there is still room for doubt left in the minds of those who have not witnessed the process of turning a thought into a reality. Even if you do witness such an event though, the circumstances that bring the event about will likely seem so commonplace that there are numerous additional explanations available beyond that of your thought making the event possible. Thus, one of the biggest challenges in manifesting your desires is that of fully believing in the existence of the law of attraction and the power of thought.

The degree to which it is believed that your thoughts are indeed powerful directly determines the degree to which you will be successful while using the law of attraction. The reason for this is that any doubt that exists within your mind will inevitably affect the outcomes of your experiences while also affecting the manner in which you choose to focus. Every thought you think affects your point of attraction, the way you feel. Thus, every thought of doubt directly impacts your point of attraction which in turn attracts matching thoughts and experiences thereby resulting in the experiencing of even more doubt as a result. Furthermore, doubt will limit the extent to which you are willing to give your desires your attention since any doubt being present within your mind will first displace thoughts of your desires while also making the process of focusing purely upon that which is wanted seem pointless.

On the other hand, were you to acquire a complete understanding of the underlying mechanisms by which the law of attraction turns thoughts into a reality, you would then maintain an absolute belief in your ability to bring about circumstances matching your desires purely through thought. You would also understand that every thought you think possesses a unique vibration and in your exposure to the vibration of a thought your personal energy value is defined which in turn defines the nature of your reality. Thus, with this knowledge you would do everything you could to ensure your exposure to only the most desirable vibrations possible by constantly thinking your best thoughts. The result would be a perfect execution of the principles upon which the law of attraction is founded thereby resulting in the creation of the most optimal experiences possible.

Therefore, it is easy to see why it is so important that you develop a better understanding of the mechanisms by which the law of attraction operates and how you can use it more effectively in your life. Additionally, the more experience you acquire in the task of turning thoughts into a reality, the greater will be your belief in the possibility that your thoughts really do define your reality. As your belief in your ability to create your reality increases, you will find yourself directing your thoughts more deliberately while also increasing the desirability of each and every one of your thoughts. The inevitable result of this will be an ever-increasing desirability of your life experience as you become better and better at controlling your focus for the purpose of creating the life of your dreams.