Becoming Like Yourself

Since your vibration averages with all vibrations with which it interacts, you are becoming more alike in nature to all that you witness through your thoughts, but you are also becoming more alike in nature to yourself as your own vibration is given your attention. The result of this process is that of an amplification of your own vibration in that the frequencies to which you have already become attuned are amplified to a certain degree each time you give your own nature any of your attention.

Thus, you are constantly becoming more alike in nature to yourself in that the characteristics which you presently possess will be even more substantially apparent in the future. For this reason, only your best characteristics should be focused on, for in the focusing upon your strengths, you amplify these particular frequencies within yourself and they will thus become more apparent in the future as a result.

Furthermore, the process of deliberately improving your personal traits can have substantial benefits in the long run since each improvement that is made today will then be amplified tomorrow. Therefore, the greater are the improvements made to your personal attributes in both quality and quantity, the more desirable will be all of your personal traits going into the future.