Bridging The Gap

Being that you exist within a vibrational Universe, you are always bridging the gap between two vibrations through the selecting of a vibration that differs from your own. Such a selection thus either moves you closer to higher or lower frequency vibrations thereby bridging the gap between where you were and where you are going in terms of your personal vibrational frequency. Since all vibrations are equivalent to a specific emotional state, you are thus always bridging the gap between one emotional state and another.

Therefore, in your selection of either a more positive or more negative thought, you are thereby bridging the gap between your previous emotional state and a more positive emotional state, or a more negative emotional state, depending on your selection of thought. This phenomenon emphasizes the importance of positivity in that every bit of positiviity bridges the gap between your previous emotional state and higher frequency emotional states.

The greater is the degree of your positivity, the more desirable will be the emotional states to which you gain access through such positivity. Ergo, as you choose a particular thought that produces a specific emotional state within you, the gap between your previous emotional state and emotional states like that produced by the thought become immediately bridged together thereby giving you access to additional emotional states that are of a like nature.

Thus, the more alike in nature is your present emotional state to the one you would maintain were your desire to become a reality, the more extensively bridged is the gap between your present vibration and the desired one. As you attempt to match the desired emotional state through the thinking of thoughts of an equal desirability, you will immediately begin to experience emotional states of a like nature and thus the gap between where you are and where you want to be will also be immediately bridged.