Implications Of Consistency Of Vibrations Principle

The consistency of vibrations principle requires that interconnected structures be of a similar vibration to one another due to their constantly interacting vibrations resulting in a state of equilibrium arising between the two. This principle also applies to the progression of time since the moment in time immediately preceding another moment must be of a nearly identical vibration since the one gives rise to the other.

In terms of manifesting, this indicates that the immediate future must be of a like nature to the present. Thus, an event taking place within the immediate future must be quite similar in nature to the event that is presently occurring. While this principle is most readily apparent in shorter periods of time, it is also apparent in longer periods of time as well, but the likeness of the events diminishes the further into the future you go. Therefore, events in the distant future will still be of a like nature to the present, but the degree to which they will differ from the immediate future becomes considerably greater the further into the future you go.

Due to the temporal nature of the consistency of vibrations principle, in order for your desires to manifest, your present must be of a like nature to the desired event in order for it to occur. In other words, in order for your desires to manifest, an event that is alike in nature to their actual manifestation must first precede their appearance within your reality.

Since all events are really just thoughts of a certain nature, your desires may only manifest as a result of your thinking thoughts that are of a like nature to the thoughts you would be thinking were your desires to actually manifest. The greater is the likeness of the thoughts you think now to the thoughts you would be thinking were your desires to actually manifest, the greater is the probability of their ultimate manifestation.