Understanding Impossibilities

The nature of that which is impossible is really that which you are not vibrationally harmonized with. Therefore, the less harmonized is your vibration with a particular experience, the more impossible does that experience seem to be. Conversely, the more harmonized is your vibration with a particular experience, the more probable does that experience seem to be.

Due to the nature of everything being energy perceived as emotions, every experience is thus really just an emotional state. Therefore, that which is impossible is an emotional state that differs from your own since the very experience of witnessing an event is that of experiencing a specific emotion. Ergo, it becomes quite easy to understand the nature of impossibilities, because it is technically impossible for you to experience one emotional state, the impossible event, while you are experiencing another emotional state that is equal to your present emotional state.

Thus, to make that which is impossible possible, you must find a way to experience the emotional state that matches such an event without interjecting any emotions that do not match it, since whenever such emotions are interjected into your experience, the event matching their nature is thereby experienced instead. The more extensively is the emotion matching the impossible event experienced, the more probable does that particular event become too. And once that emotion is being experienced on a consistent basis, the experience is then in the process of manifesting.