The Significance Of Thought

The degree to which your life is significant in any way is directly determined by the significance of your thoughts. The significance of a thought is directly determined by the amount of energy that is contained within it. And the amount of energy that is contained within a thought is depicted by its expansiveness.

In other words, the broader is the range of time and space that is accounted for within a thought, the more significant is the thought due to its higher energy content. For instance, the more people do you take into account as you consider a particular thought, the higher is the energy value of that thought and the more significant will be its effect in terms of how it alters your actions and the consequences such actions have upon the world around you.

Furthermore, the greater is the distance into the future which you are capable of perceiving, the more expansive will be the effects of your thoughts and actions upon the future. Even the distance into the past which is considered can affect the quantity of energy that is contained within a thought and thus the degree to which the thinking of that thought alters the nature of the Universe in which you live.

For instance, the thought of being the all-time best at a particular activity or accomplishment is of a higher energy value than the thought of any other level of skill in that endeavor. Ergo, the considering of thoughts of being the best at whichever activity you happen to enjoy will help to increase your personal energy value to the greatest extent possible as you attempt to increase the significance of the effects your thoughts produce upon the world around you.

The significance of a thought may thus be determined by the degree to which the thinking of that thought is expected to change the nature of your reality. In other words, the greater is the difference between your energy value and that of a thought, the greater will be the degree to which that thought will change your life and thus the more significant will be its effect. In this way, you may easily determine how significant any particular thought happens to be by simply assessing the degree to which the thought differs from the nature of your present reality. The greater is the difference between the nature of a thought and the nature of your present reality, the more significant will be the effect that thought will have upon your life.