
Negativity Is Irrational

All negativity is irrational since it is not logical to be negative vibrationally speaking. Traditional logic would allow for you to be negative since it is based upon the idea that there is such a thing as an objective truth which is irrefutably true from all perspectives. In reality though, truth itself is relative in that everyone perceives their own form of truth. Thus, what is true is only the vibration you are maintaining since that is what's perceived as your reality.

Ergo, all you ever do with your every thought is set your own personal vibration. When you are being positive, you are setting your vibration to a more desirable frequency, and this is perceived as the more desirable reality that is then experienced through thought. When you are being negative though, you are then experiencing a less desirable reality through thought.

This is precisely why negativity is irrational since in the experiencing of negativity you are only experiencing a less desirable reality, and the greater is the amount of negativity experienced, the more extensively is your reality then decreasing in desirability. This makes your positive thoughts the only rational thoughts you ever consider, because it is irrational to consider thoughts that make your reality less desirable and it is perfectly rational to think thoughts that make your reality more desirable.

The more desirable do your thoughts become, as is indicated by a more desirable emotional state, the greater is the degree to which you are then being rational. It is for this reason that you should always attempt to counter negativity with additional positivity, and perhaps go even further by deliberately seeking out increasingly desirable thoughts, since such thoughts will increase the desirability of your reality to the greatest degree.

Such improvements are immediately perceived in the form of thought too. In the second you begin to think more positively, those positive thoughts are a direct indication of your reality increasing in desirability since such thoughts form a part of your reality. Ergo, in the thinking of a positive thought, you are then experiencing a more desirable reality, and the more desirable is the thought you are thinking, the more desirable is the reality then being experienced.

Raise Your Vibration

The rate of your vibration is a key metric in determining the nature of your life. The higher in frequency is your personal vibration, the more desirable does your life become. Thus, by raising your vibration, you immediately increase the desirability of your reality, and the more extensively are you able to raise it, the more extensively is your reality thereby being improved. For this reason, it becomes of paramount importance that your vibration be raised immediately as much as possible to further improve the desirability of your life experiences.

This is easily done too since your vibration may be readily perceived in the form of your personal activity. In other words, the greater is your level of activity, the higher is your rate of vibration. Ergo, the more actions do you take, the higher must your rate of vibration then be since action is the manifestation of a higher rate of vibration than that of stillness. Due to this effect, in the moment you begin taking an action, you are then experiencing a higher rate of vibration in return, and the more actions do you take, the higher must your rate of vibration then be.

The desirability of your action also plays a key role in determining your rate of vibration though. Not only is physical activity a key metric in determining your rate of vibration, but the degree to which you enjoy doing the activity that is chosen will also play a role in determining your vibration as well. More desirable activities are of vibrations that are of a higher frequency, and you will undoubtedly be willing to take such actions more often due to their higher desirability. Therefore, to get started using this principle to your advantage, begin looking for actions you can take that will increase your level of activity while simultaneously looking for activities that you enjoy to a greater degree. The result will naturally be a more active lifestyle which translates into a more desirable life experience overall.

Even so, action doesn't only manifest in the form of physical activity, because it also manifests itself in the form of your emotions. When you are experiencing positive emotion for instance, you are perceiving a change in your personal rate of vibration, and the greater is the degree of positivity being experienced, the greater is the rate of change in your vibration that is being perceived. Thus, as you are deliberately thinking happier thoughts that produce more desirable emotions, you are then taking an action that is raising your rate of vibration, and the more often are such actions taken, the greater is the degree to which your vibration is being raised, as is perceived in the form of a life experience that is increasing in desirability.

Improve The Average Thought

Being that your present thought is in all probability of a like nature to the average thought considered by all people on Earth, you can easily improve the average thought of all people on Earth by improving your own average thought. In other words, the more desirable do your thoughts become on average, the more desirable is the average thought of all people on Earth becoming. Ergo, you have the power to improve the average thought being considered by everyone else simply by improving your own thoughts. Thus, as you are thinking thoughts that produce positive emotions within you, the average thought of everyone else is thereby improving, and the greater is the degree of positive emotion being experienced, the greater is the extent to which the average thought of everyone else is also improving.

It is for this reason that you may now see just how important it is that you begin to choose more desirable thoughts, because in doing so, you are then improving all of the thoughts everyone else thinks. Just by choosing to think about a topic that produces positive emotions within you, the average thought of everyone else around you will be thereby improved, and the happier does any particular subject make you, the greater is the degree to which the average thought of everyone else is also being improved.

Better Or Worse

One of the primary questions one should ask themselves in life is whether or not they are making the world a better place. Such a question may seem difficult to answer at first, but once you understand the mechanics which determine your effect upon your surroundings, you will be able to tell with greater ease whether or not you are making the world a better place.

In order to determine your effect upon the world, you must first take into account the relative position of your present thought to the average thought of everyone else. If your present thought is more desirable than the average thought of everyone else, then you are presently having a positive impact upon the world around you, but if your present thought is less desirable than the average thought, then you are having a drag effect upon the world around you. Therefore, the more desirable is your present thought, the more likely is it that you are having an uplifting effect on the world as a whole.

While it might seem challenging to determine what the average thought is of those around you, this too may also be easily determined since your thoughts naturally tend towards the average. In other words, with every thought you think there is a very high probability that its nature falls somewhere around the average. This is especially true when you are not experiencing particularly strong emotions. The more desirable are the emotions you are presently experiencing, the greater is the probability that your thought is more desirable than the average. The less desirable are the emotions you are presently experiencing due to your current thought, the more likely is it that your present thought is less desirable than the average.

This principle demonstrates the true importance of positivity, for you are only making the world a better place when your present thought is more desirable than the average, and you are in fact making the world worse when your thought falls below this average. By doing all you can to maximize the positivity of your present thought, you can maximize the beneficial effect your thoughts have upon the world around you, and the more successfully are you able to think increasingly desirable thoughts that produce increasingly desirable emotions, the greater will be the beneficial effect that is produced by your thoughts upon the surrounding world.

The Power Of Magnification

In the moment you begin to give your attention to anything, the vibrational frequency being focused on is instantly magnified within you, and the longer for which is your attention given to the chosen vibrational frequency, the greater will the magnification become. This phenomenon produces an amplification of the thought being considered, which results in your gaining access to more information in relation to the topic being focused on.

The thoughts that result naturally contain additional details too. The thinking of these thoughts then results in the production of additional thoughts that contain even more details of a like nature. Furthermore, the emotions that are produced by such thoughts gradually increase in intensity thereby resulting in the magnification of the initial emotion that was experienced in the thinking of the original thought.

The phenomenon of magnification is an important one, because it is integral to the phenomenon of attraction. In the giving of your attention to any point of focus, you can now be confident that you will continue to attract additional thoughts of a like nature. Thus, the more desirable is the topic to which you are giving your attention in the present, the more desirable will be the details that are thereby attracted. In other words, the more desirable is the emotional state you are able to produce in the giving of your attention to a subject, the more desirable will be the thoughts that will be attracted in return. Ergo, the more desirable are the thoughts and emotions you focus upon in the present, the more desirable will be the future experiences that are attracted unto you as a result.