Are Your Thoughts Harmonized With What You Want?

When the thoughts you are focusing on in any given moment are harmonized with what it is you desire, you feel very good. When they are not harmonized with your desires though, you do not feel very good. Also, when the thoughts you are thinking are harmonized with your desires, you are moving towards their fulfillment.

If you would like to accomplish your grandest goals as quickly as possible, you could simply use this information to start accomplishing your goals immediately. By constantly giving your attention to thoughts that are harmonized with your desires, you can constantly move in the direction of their fulfillment.

If you were traversing through physical space, this would be known as moving towards your goals in a straight line. When you are thinking about your goals and that which you desire while feeling good, you are moving towards the fulfillment of your goals in a straight line.

Many people give an insignificant portion of their attention to that which they desire and then forget about what it is they really want as they go about their day. Some people even give their attention to the absence of that which they desire as well as the exact opposite of it too.

As you may well expect, these individuals do not get to experience the fulfillment of their grandest goals, because they are not giving their attention to them. Due to the law of attraction, you attract unto you that which you give your attention. When you give your attention to your desires, you are thereby attracting them. If you give your attention to other subjects though, you begin to attract those subjects rather than what it is you truly desire.

Once you know this information to be true, you can move towards the fulfillment of any goal rather quickly. By simply giving your undivided attention to that which you desire, you instantly align with it and it then immediately begins to enter your experience as a result.

Most people give their attention to that which they desire and it is instantly attracted to them in return, but then they turn their attention away from it and wonder why it is the desired subject matter never enters their lives. You can easily avoid this mistake by continuing the process of giving your attention to your desires rather than turning your attention away from them.

As you give your attention to that which you desire, you instantly feel very good. When you give your attention to anything in fact, you generate a corresponding feeling within yourself that indicates the nature of your point of attraction. When you feel good as you give your attention to something, you are thereby attracting good feeling experiences into your life.

You can use this information to quantify your journeys towards the fulfillment of your desires. When you feel good, you are moving towards what it is you desire. When you feel really good, you are moving towards what it is you desire at a very rapid pace indeed. The better do you feel, the better it gets too. And the more attention do you give to a desire, the more of it will you get in your life experience.

As you can see, the law of attraction is a very simple principle. You are always attracting that which you give your attention. When you give a lot of your attention to something, you attract a lot of it into your life. When you do not give a lot of attention to something, you do not attract a lot of it into your life. If you want to attract something into your life, simply start giving a lot of your attention to it and it will then begin to enter your life immediately and continue to do so for as long as you remain focused upon it.

This process can be used with intangible subjects as well, such as happiness. If you want to be happy, simply start thinking about how you would feel if you were happy right now. What would make you feel happy right now? How can you make yourself feel happy right now? As you do this, you will attract happiness unto you and you will experience happiness immediately. As you continue giving your attention to thoughts of happiness, you thereby attract more happiness into your life.

When you are thinking thoughts that are harmonized with your desires, you begin to feel as if they are already present in your reality. In other words, when you think thoughts that are harmonized with your desires, you feel very good. And as you continue giving your attention to thoughts that are harmonized with your desires, you continue to feel very good as a result. Once you feel as if you already have that which you desire, it must then become your reality, because that which you are thinking, feeling, and experiencing are always a perfect match.