The Law Of Attraction And Money

The law of attraction is a very powerful natural law indeed. This law affects every experience you ever have and it affects the amount of joy you experience throughout your lifetime. If you would like to create the life you have always dreamed of living, you must first understand the integral connection between the law of attraction and money.

There is a very strong connection between the law of attraction and money due to the underlying structure of the Universe. The law of attraction operates through the use of advanced harmonics. As modern day physics confirms, the Universe consists of a vast multitude of energy waves vibrating at specific frequencies.

You too are vibrating at a specific frequency as well. The way you feel is a direct indication of this vibration and since like attracts like, you are always attracting people, things, experiences, places, etc. that match the way you feel. In fact, the way you feel is always a perfect vibrational match to your present experience.

Whenever you think about money in particular, you either feel positive emotions, negative emotions, or you feel neutral about the subject. Since the way you feel is your point of attraction, the way you feel as you think about money is your unique point of attraction relative to money.

If you experience positive emotions as you think about money, you are then moving towards experiences you will find to be more desirable than where you are at present in relation to the topic of money. On the other hand, if you ever entertain negative thoughts concerning the topic of money, you are then moving towards experiences you will find to be less desirable than where you currently stand in relation to money. Also, if your thoughts of money produce no emotion at all, which means you do not feel positive or negative emotions as you think about the subject, you are then moving towards future experiences that will match where you now stand in relation to money.

As you can see, you have absolute control over the amount of prosperity that flows into your life with this knowledge in hand. Many people are now realizing that they truly are deliberate creators of their own destiny today. A deliberate creator is a person who purposely selects that which they give their attention rather than doing so by default. Many people just take the experiences they are given each day and accept them for whatever they happen to be. Most people also only have thoughts in response to their unique life experiences as well.

What these people do not realize though is that the Universe is actually responding to the way they view it. Whenever they have positive experiences, they have positive thoughts and whenever they have negative experiences, they have negative thoughts in return. This process seems quite natural to them, but they do not understand that they can simply turn their thoughts towards positive directions to experience many positive thoughts as a result.

If you would like to create more positive experiences surrounding the topic of money, you just need to start filling your mind with positive thoughts about money. You can easily tell whether a thought is positive or negative by viewing the way you feel as you think it. If you feel positive emotions such as joy or excitement as you think a thought about money, you can be certain that you are then moving towards positive experiences involving money.

The more you do this the better it works too. If you only utilize half of your time to deliberately focus on good feeling thoughts surrounding money, you will thereby improve your experience, but not nearly as much as you would improve it if you gave even more attention to positive thoughts concerning money.

In order to improve your point of attraction in relation to money, you need to first change the way you feel as you think about it. If you can adjust the way you feel as you think about money, you can change the nature of all the experiences involving money that you ever encounter.

To get started with this process, simply start imagining what your life would be like if you had an abundance of money right now. What would your life be like if you had tons of cash in your bank account right this minute? What would your life be like if you constantly received large checks in the mail? What would your life be like if you had plenty of money to spend everywhere you went?

As you think such thoughts, you will likely instantly notice an improvement in the way you feel. Good feeling positive emotions are the first indication that the world around you is ultimately changing. Since your point of attraction is the way you feel too, you can be certain that you are attracting good feeling experiences into your life whenever you are thinking such good feeling thoughts. Once you start purposely changing the thoughts you have concerning money, you will soon gain absolute control over the direct connection between the law of attraction and money.