Self-Fulfilling Prophecies Are Related To The Law of Attraction

A self-fulfilling prophecy is an event that matches a prediction. These events happen rather often due to the nature of the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that like attracts like and you thus get more of whatever it is you happen to think about as a result. Whenever you make a prophecy, or predict the future, you essentially create future experiences that match your prediction by focusing on the prediction being made.

The law of attraction is a very powerful law. This law states that like attracts like. Everything in the Universe is energy vibrating at a vast variety of frequencies too. Therefore, everything that is of a similar vibrational frequency is thereby brought together by the law of attraction. This occurs because like vibrations are harmonized with one another and therefore must exist within a similar time and place to maintain such a state of harmony.

In order to attract your desires, you simply need to align your energy, your personal vibration, with that which you are wanting to attract. If you want to be happy for instance, simply start thinking about yourself as being happy to immediately start accomplishing your goal. As you do this, you will begin to vibrate as a happy person vibrates and you will then start to align with experiences that will make you feel happy in return.

This is exactly how self-fulfilling prophecies arise as well in that an initial prophecy is first made that is then followed by an experience of a like nature. For example, let's say something good is going to happen. So, you have this initial thought that something good is going to happen and you then continue to give thought to the idea that something good is going to happen as time goes on. As you continue to consider this thought, you thereby continue to align your personal vibration with corresponding good feelings and equally as desirable experiences. As this process continues, the world around you must thereby change to match the way you feel too. As you continually align with the idea that something good is about to happen through persistent focus, the way you feel about this anticipated event continually improves as well.

Once your thoughts and the way you feel reach a certain tipping point, a manifestation that matches your thoughts and the way you feel then becomes inevitable. In this instance, something good happens as a result of crossing this particular threshold.

Whenever you give your attention to a prediction, you continually reinforce the thought of the prediction within your mind. And as you continually reinforce the thought of the prediction within your mind, you thus continue to vibrate, or feel, as if you are harmonized with the content of the prediction. Thus, you first make a prediction. Then, you have thoughts revolving around the prediction being made and all of these thoughts create a feeling within you that matches the nature of the prediction. Once you have given enough thought to the prediction, you will then be vibrating in perfect harmony with it and it must then happen due to the law of attraction.

The law of attraction provides us with even greater insights than the idea that like attracts like though. Since like attracts like, that which you are experiencing, a set of vibrational frequencies, and the way you feel, your personal vibration, must always be harmonized with one another. This is the only way in which the experience you are presently having could have ever come to be due to the constant interactions that take place between your vibration and that of your experience. Therefore, that which you are experiencing right now and the way you presently feel also match one another perfectly.

Once you understand this simple concept, you will understand everything that occurs in your life. This is why the better it gets, the better it gets and the worse it gets, the worse it gets. When you have good feeling thoughts, the Universe responds in kind by giving you good feeling experiences. Conversely, when you think thoughts that feel less than good to you, you then have experiences that make you feel the same way as a result.

If you understand this information to be true, you can thus create any type of life you want to live. Get started immediately by giving more attention to the type of life you want to live and by the power of the law of attraction you will soon begin to live a life that is of a similar nature. For this reason, choose thoughts based on how they make you feel as you think them. If you want to own a specific car for instance, simply start considering thoughts about the car that make you feel good as you think them. Once you start doing this, you will thereby begin to vibrate in harmony with the car and perhaps even end up owning it. Once you have given enough thought to your desires, you will then be vibrating in perfect harmony with them and they will then manifest as a result of your life experience perfectly matching the way you feel.