How To Get Happy Now

If you want to be happy, you can easily become happy simply by thinking about your desires as if they are present in your reality right now. You can do this with any subject too. As you think about a particular subject as if it is a part of your present life experience and then become inspired to think another good feeling thought, you can then switch your focus to the newly formed idea to feel better and better as a result.

As you use this process, you will be harnessing a law known as the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that like attracts like, but in order to understand this simple statement, you must first familiarize yourself with the fundamental structure of the Universe in which you live.

The Universe is an infinite collection of vibrations of varying energy levels. This collection of vibrations is composed of energy vibrating at an infinite number of frequencies. You too are vibrating at a specific frequency. The way you feel in any given moment indicates the nature of this frequency.

Whenever you think about your desires, you thereby begin to vibrate in harmony with them and you begin to attract thoughts relating to them. As you think about your desires, you also begin to feel good as a result of the increasing harmony between your vibration and that of your desires.

This naturally occurring change in the way you feel is of extreme importance though, because like attracts like and the way you feel is your point of attraction. As you think about your desires as if they are present in your current reality, you then begin to vibrate in harmony with them to a greater degree. While the process of attraction only starts as a simple thought and ultimately results in a corresponding feeling, it nonetheless becomes incrementally stronger as you continue to align yourself with its vibrational frequency.

Once you feel as if your desires have already been fulfilled, they will then have to manifest in your life experience as a result. While a small change in the way you feel may seem like an insignificant change once you first start giving your attention to your desires, it is actually the first indicator that lets you know that you are moving towards the manifestation of your desires in your life. This initial improvement in the way you feel is simply a sign that you are moving closer to finding the feeling that matches the way you would feel were your desires to be fulfilled.

By thinking about your desires as if they are already present in your current life experience, you are thereby focusing on the frequency matching their fulfillment and you thus feel as if they have already been fulfilled. You do not have to remain focusing upon a single frequency while using this process though. You can also jump from one good feeling thought to another to generate better and better feelings within yourself. For this reason, if you are inspired to think about something that is even more desirable than the initial thought you begin thinking about when you first started using this process, you can thus simply go with the new thought to feel even better than before.

For example, you can think about what it would be like if you had an extra $1,000 in your bank account right now. While this thought may make you feel good at first, it might also inspire the idea of having an extra $100,000 in your bank account as a result of thinking it. If you are inspired to focus on this better feeling thought, you can simply switch your focus to the better feeling thought to feel even better. Even if you are inspired to think about having an extra $1,000,000 in your bank account right now, because the idea of having an extra $1,000,000 in your bank account feels good to you, you can then simply switch your focus to this new thought to feel even better by doing so.

You can do this with any subject too. For example, if you want to be loved more, you can imagine the person you want to be loved by the most as if they are loving you right now. If this thought feels good to you, but you are inspired to have even more people love you too, you can then switch your focus to a thought involving even more people loving you right now.

You can also switch your focus between subjects too. You can focus on having more money and then focus on being loved more afterwards. You can also switch your focus to the feeling of being happy by thinking thoughts that make you feel happy or any other good feeling thought you can find to feel just as great too.

As you use this process, you will then be harnessing the law of attraction to its fullest potential. Whenever you think thoughts that make you feel good, your point of attraction is thereby improved. As you continually improve the way you feel, you thus continually improve your point of attraction. Whenever you feel really good, you are thereby attracting equally good feeling experiences into your life as a result.