How To Jump Through Pictures

Rather than relying upon thoughts alone in order to harness the power of the law of attraction, you can also utilize images to create your future experiences. The law of attraction states that like attracts like. Everything consists of energy vibrating at specific frequencies. Even your body is vibrating at specific frequencies and this vibration manifests itself in the form of emotions. When you give your attention to anything, your personal vibrational frequency begins to harmonize with that which you are giving your attention.

This holds true even when you are giving your attention to pictures too. As you give your attention to a picture of the dream home you want to own, or a picture of the dream vacation spot you want to visit, you are at that moment becoming more vibrationally harmonized with the contents of the picture. In other words, by simply giving your attention to a picture, you are giving your attention to a set of vibrational frequencies, and your personal vibrational frequency as is indicated by the way you feel, begins to vibrate in a similar manner as a result.

The way you feel and that which is happening around you in any given moment is always a perfect vibrational match. If you change the way you feel to match the picture being given your attention, your surroundings must change to match.

Due to this phenomenon, you can jump through any picture you want to enjoy a wide array of experiences. This process becomes even more powerful with time too if you regularly practice using your imagination by envisioning being at various locations around the world while using pictures to enhance the vividness of your imaginings.

In order to use this process, simply take any picture you find to be desirable and look it over very carefully. Then, imagine being at the location depicted in the picture. Once you have tapped into the general vibrational essence of the location depicted in the picture, close your eyes and imagine being there. If you are picturing a beach, imagine sitting on the beach with the sand settling between your toes while being surrounded by other people playing in the water and relaxing in the sun. If you are picturing a ski resort on the other hand, imagine standing at the base of the resort's slopes while wearing your skis with others around you getting ready to hop onto a ski lift. No matter the picture you have chosen to jump into, simply imagine being at the location depicted in the picture.

As you imagine being there, you will then have experiences at that location as a result. For instance, you will likely start swimming around if you are imagining jumping into a pool, or you will start looking around if you have chosen to visit a specific building you want to live in. At this point, it is important that you see that which you want to see. Depict the scene you are jumping into with the intention of creating it in the most optimal way possible. For example, if you are imagining swimming in a pool, imagine being there with someone you want to be with. If you imagine skiing, imagine the weather being perfect and the snow being spectacular in your visions.

After you have imagined the location you want to be at, fill in the rest of the details as you see fit. If you are picturing your dream home, you obviously want to live in the home as well as be in it. For this reason, imagine living in the home while visualizing. Fill the home with your furniture and imagine what it would be like to call that house your home on a daily basis. Imagine what your lifestyle would be like and how you would feel if you really did own that home right now.

As you continue engaging in this process of imagining being where you want to be, you will have many experiences while doing so as a result. As you have these experiences, you will experience new emotional states too. The way you feel as you imagine being where you want to be is the exact same feeling you would be feeling were you at the location you want to be at right this moment. This is important, because if you want to jump through the picture being given your attention, you need to lock your focus on the feeling that is generated within you while envisioning jumping into the picture. As you go through your daily routine after completing this process of imagining being where you want to be, keep your focus centered on the feeling of being where you want to be in life.

Since the feeling matching the chosen location is the vibrational essence of your desire, it is highly recommended that you take notice of the various feelings you experience as you envision visiting this location. By giving your attention to the feelings you experience while being at your dream location living the life of your choosing, you will find it much easier to recall those feelings later on and you will then be able to easily identify the moments in which you are getting off track by giving your attention to something that makes you feel differently than the way you want to feel.

Now that you are keenly familiar with the way you would feel while experiencing your dream life, you can keep your focus centered around that feeling. If you ever find yourself getting off track as you go about your daily routine, simply resort to recalling the memories you have created through the use of your imagination. In other words, if you ever find yourself focusing on something that makes you feel differently than the way you want to feel, the way you felt while imagining being where you want to be, simply resort to the thoughts you had as you imagined being there to instill matching feelings within yourself once again.

As you resort to recalling these thoughts, you will quickly remember and experience what it feels like to be exactly where you want to be in life. In order to jump through a picture, it is important that you keep your focus centered on the feeling and the corresponding thought of being where it is you want to be until you have completely jumped through the picture and arrived at your intended destination.

Remember that the way you feel is your point of attraction though. When you feel as if you are where you want to be, the Universe has to respond by presenting you with experiences that match the way you feel, experiences involving being exactly where it is you want to be.

In summary, to jump through a picture, find a picture you want to jump through. Imagine being at the location or living the lifestyle depicted in the picture, find the feeling of actually being there, and then keep your focus on the feeling corresponding with actually being there. As you hold your focus on the feeling of being there, you will then jump through the picture being used. If you ever find yourself focusing on feelings that differ from the feelings you experience while being where it is you want to be, recall memories of the experiences you have accumulated by imagining being where it is you want to be. As you recall the experiences you had while visualizing that evoked the feeling matching the chosen location, you will thereby trigger that feeling within yourself once again and this will ultimately result in the manifestation of matching experiences.