How To Predict The Future

The process of predicting the future using the law of attraction is really quite simple, because the future will consist of that which you are presently giving your attention. The future will also primarily consist of the most common thoughts you think on a regular basis as well. As you think a thought, you thereby attract additional thoughts, and eventually experiences, of a similar nature to that of the initial thought.

You can witness evidence of this fact by reviewing the thoughts you considered in the past for the purpose of comparing them to your present reality. As you can see, that which you gave a considerable amount of attention in the past is now present in your current reality to the extent you gave it your attention. If you have been giving a lot of attention to something recently, it is likely now playing a rather dominant role in your present reality too. On the other hand, if you have not been giving a lot of attention to a subject recently though, it is likely not playing a dominant role in your present reality.

This is an important fact, because no matter which frame of reference you may be giving your attention, whether it be the past, present, or future, you are thereby creating your future through your focus. Whenever you are thinking about something that happened in the past, you are creating that which is going to happen in the future. As you give your attention to something in the present, you are also then creating your future. As you think about that which might happen in the future, you are creating your future even still.

This all happens due to the law of attraction. Everything in the Universe is energy vibrating at specific frequencies. Whenever you give your attention to anything, you change your personal vibrational frequency, the way you feel, which is your personal point of attraction. If you give your attention to that which you want to be rather than whatever it is you happen to believe to be true, you will thereby attract experiences in the future that are a vibrational match to that which you choose to give your attention.

The most powerful way to align yourself with a desire is the process of focusing upon that which you want as if it is already a part of your current reality. As you think about what it is you want as if it is already yours, you begin to vibrate in harmony with it and it must then manifest, because that which you are thinking, feeling, and experiencing are always a perfect vibrational match.

Whatever you do though, it is of the utmost importance that you focus your thought on that which you want or that which makes you feel good. As you focus on subjects that make you feel good, you will attract good feeling experiences into your life. The better you feel, the better it gets too, because your thoughts, feelings, and experiences are always a perfect vibrational match. If you improve your thoughts, you thus improve the way you feel and that which you are experiencing. If you improve your feelings, you thereby improve your thoughts and your experiences. And if you improve your experiences, you thereby improve your thoughts and your feelings. Once you change either your thoughts, feelings, or experiences, you will enjoy a new state of being that will empower you to create even better thoughts, feelings, and experiences going into the future.

It is important to remember that you are always creating your future whether you be thinking about the past, present, or future. You are also creating your future if you are speculating about what is, what should be, or what could be. No matter what you happen to be focusing upon though, you are always focusing on energy vibrating at specific frequencies. As you give any subject your attention, you begin to vibrate in harmony with that particular subject too. By focusing on what it is you want despite the circumstances in which you find yourself, you thus begin to vibrate in harmony with that which you want to be and it must then become your reality as a result.