How To See Your Future

You are constantly seeing your future, because the thoughts you are thinking in any given moment match your future reality. As you give your attention to any subject, you begin to attract that subject into your life. For this reason, you can easily see your future by simply observing the thoughts you think.

You can see evidence of this phenomenon by reviewing your past thoughts too. Think about the topics you have thought about in the past and then look at your present reality. Everything in your present reality is the result of your past thoughts.

Now that you know you create your own reality, you can predict the future by observing the thoughts you think. You can now also create the type of future experiences you desire to live rather than create your future reality by default too.

Most people create their realities by default. They do so by giving their attention to their present realities and then they thus attract additional experiences that match their topic of focus. You can easily avoid doing this by simply giving your attention to the reality you truly want to create. Einstein probably said it best when he stated, "The imagination is a preview of life's coming attractions." By utilizing your imagination to create your future reality, you can create a future for yourself that is far more pleasing than the type of future you would otherwise create.

The process of creating your future is quite simple, but you will likely have to get past your limiting beliefs to create the life of your dreams. If you ever think thoughts about your limitations, limitations of the world around you, or even limitations of the people around you, you are at that moment creating your future. While these are not typically beneficial thoughts in their own right, they nonetheless create matching experiences, because you are always creating your future with each thought. If you ever find yourself focusing on something you do not want, simply adjust your focus and start focusing on something you do want instead, even if you believe it is not practical or even achievable.

By focusing upon your desires, you begin to harmonize with them. The Universe consists of energy vibrating at specific frequencies. Even you are made of energy vibrating at specific frequencies. As you give your attention to anything, you begin to vibrate in harmony with it. As you continue to give your attention to anything, the vibrational relationship between the topic being given your attention and yourself becomes even stronger with time too.

Now that you know how the law of attraction works, you can easily create the life of your dreams. By thinking about your desires, you will likely encounter a variety of vivid experiences while immersed within your thoughts. While these experiences may not seem entirely real at the time, they are indeed actual experiences. They are also a preview of your life's coming attractions.

It is important to remember that you are always creating your future reality though. Whenever you are giving your attention to anything, you are at that moment vibrating in harmony with it. By giving your attention to your desires, you thereby begin to vibrate in harmony with your desires. As you give your attention to your desires, you also generate a corresponding good feeling vibration within yourself thus indicating you are indeed thinking desirable thoughts.

When you focus upon something while feeling good, you are at that moment moving towards the fulfillment of your desires. If you focus upon something but do not feel good while doing so, you are taking a temporary detour that does not lead to the fulfillment of your desires. By consistently giving your attention to good feeling thoughts, you will consistently move in the direction of fulfilling your desires. Once you feel as if your desires have already been fulfilled, your desires will then become your reality due to the coalescing power of the law of attraction.

Your thoughts, feelings, and experiences always match perfectly. If you consistently feel as if your desires have been fulfilled, your desires must then be fulfilled due to the nature of this law. If you ever feel differently than the way you would feel if your desires were to be fulfilled though, your desires cannot be fulfilled in those moments, because in those moments you are not a vibrational match to your desires. Even so, once you are a vibrational match to your desires and feel as if your desires have already been fulfilled, your desires must then manifest in your reality as a result.

Now that you know that every thought you think creates your future, you have the opportunity to give your attention to the type of future you would truly like to create. Even if the world around you does not seem to be conducive to the process of creating a desirable future reality, you will still move closer and closer to the fulfillment of your desires as you deliberately give your attention to them. As you continue focusing upon your desires, the way you feel will continually improve with time. Since the way you feel is your point of attraction, you will be consistently improving your life as you continue to give your attention to your desires.

As you think about anything, you are creating and seeing your future. With this knowledge, you can now think about your desires while knowing you are seeing into the future.