The Law Of Attraction Clearly Explained

The law of attraction in essence is really very simple in that like attracts like. At its core, the Universe consists of vibrating energy. Everything you can possibly give your attention is vibrating at a specific vibrational frequency at its most fundamental level. When you give your attention to anything, you thus begin to vibrate in harmony with that which you are giving your attention. Also, there are two directions in which you may go in life, either towards experiences that make you feel better or towards experiences that make you feel worse.

With this knowledge you can accomplish any goal you have set for yourself, live out a peaceful life, and a joyful one at that. The process of applying the law of attraction is very easy to do overall, for when you focus on a subject, you become more like the subject you are focusing upon. The attraction between a person and the topic of their focus is typically fairly weak in the beginning and this is why most people are not even aware of its occurrence in their daily lives.

The law of attraction only becomes more apparent once a person begins to give their attention to a subject more intensely or for longer periods of time. At first, the attraction between yourself and a particular subject may only result in the attraction of a few thoughts that are similar in nature to your original point of focus. After more attention has been given to the subject though, you will start to attract actual experiences that match its vibrational frequency, the essence of the thought.

This process is constantly occurring too. Whenever you give your attention to anything, you begin to vibrate in harmony with the subject being given your attention. You can see evidence of this phenomenon by observing the way you feel as you focus upon something. When you focus on something that you want, or find to be desirable, you feel good as a result of doing so. When you focus on something you find to be undesirable though, something you do not want, you do not feel quite as good.

You are always travelling towards a particular destination in life too. The future is indeed a destination in and of itself. The destination you will arrive at will match that which you focus upon the most. The way you feel is your point of attraction though, so you can easily tell whether you will like that which you are creating in any given moment by simply observing the way you feel. If you feel good as you focus upon a subject, you are at that moment creating an experience you will find to be equally as pleasing in the future. If you do not feel good as you are focusing upon a subject, you will not find the future experience you are creating to be quite as pleasing.

Some people give their attention primarily to that which already is present in their current reality and they do not see very significant changes within their daily life experiences as a result. For this reason, it is extremely important to remember that you are always creating your future since you are always directing your attention towards various vibrational frequencies of which you are becoming more alike as a result of giving your attention to them. If you focus on whatever happens to be, you begin to vibrate more like that which already is and you thereby attract more of the same into your life. If you change your focus to match what it is you want to be though, you begin to vibrate more like that which you want to be and you thereby attract more of it into your life.

In summary, the law of attraction is very simple in its most basic form in that like attracts like. As you give your attention to a subject, you begin to vibrate in harmony with the subject being given your attention. Also, you are always traveling towards future experiences of a nature like that of your present thought. As you give your attention to any subject, you receive a corresponding feeling that lets you know whether or not you are moving in the direction of what it is you truly want. Once you are vibrationally harmonized with a desire, meaning you feel as if it is already present in your current reality, it will then have to enter your life experience due to the law of attraction.