The Power of Repetition, Magnification, Addition, and the Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is a very powerful natural law in its own right. Anyone who understands how this particular law works can create any type of life they want to live. Once you are familiar with every aspect of how this law takes effect in your life, you can then use it in a way that will leave others standing in awe of your abilities. Three of the most important concepts you can review when studying the mechanisms by which the law of attraction operates are the concepts of repetition, magnification, and addition. Each of these concepts utilize the law of attraction to create the exponential growth and expansion of the various topics that are seen in your life experiences on a daily basis.

Whatever it is you are trying to create in your life, you can expect the process of repeatedly focusing upon it to create exponential results for you in that the apparency of the topics you focus upon increases exponentially as you repeatedly give them your attention. Repetition is a very powerful tool you can use as a law of attraction practitioner, because it leverages the law of attraction in a very powerful manner by summoning its effects time after time.

As you give your attention to a subject, you begin to vibrate in harmony with the subject being focused upon due to the underlying nature of the Universe being that of advanced harmonics comprised of energy vibrating at specific frequencies. Once you give your attention to a single subject twice though, you have essentially just doubled the power of the attraction that exists between yourself and the subject being focused upon. As a result, you have then become even more aligned with the subject being given your attention and the probability that you will see evidence of this fact in your life experience is thereby greatly increased.

Repetition truly only starts creating exponential results once your attention is given to a desire for a third time though. The third time around, you have become even more aligned with the subject being given your attention, but even more importantly, it has now become even easier for you to focus on the subject in question due to your previous alignment with it as a result of your initial focus. This exponential alignment continues to progress as you repeatedly focus on that subject as well.

Evidence of this phenomenon may be seen in many different areas of life too. Repetition is often the source of success for many people in almost every career field. Whether you are looking at sporting activities or famous actors, repetition has played a key role in the amount of success the top individuals in these endeavors have achieved.

Those who play sports professionally first started playing their particular sport in a very easygoing manner. As they continued to give their attention to their chosen sport though, they continued to align their personal vibration with the vibration of the sport itself. After a time, they became so aligned with the sport that they excelled far beyond their peers and became the very best players in the entire world simply by repeatedly focusing on the same subject to no end.

The same is true for businessmen too. Many stupendously successful entrepreneurs have started their businesses simply by opening a single store. For this example, we will use a pizza company. A pizza store owner initially opened his first location and baked his very first pizza for his very first customer to get the ball rolling. Then, he received a second order, and a third, until before he knew it, he had opened a second location. This second location was only the result of the very first pizza that he baked too. And the very first pizza he baked for his company was only the result of the very first thought he had about opening a pizza store. Today, his two stores have now increased to thousands of stores nationwide and he has become a millionaire. This is the true power of repetition that only arises due to the existence of the law of attraction.

Magnification is another very important concept everyone using the law of attraction should thoroughly understand. The concept of magnification manifests itself in a variety of forms, but the key to magnification is the increased sense of focus that is placed on the subject in question.

One example of magnification is a person who thinks vaguely about a subject and then creates a vague attraction between themselves and the subject in question, but once they focus more precisely upon the subject though, the power of the attraction between themselves and the subject becomes considerably stronger. As they continue to focus more and more upon that subject, they then begin to define what it is they are wanting to attract even more clearly and the attraction between themselves and the subject becomes even stronger in return due to the enhanced energy-based vibrational alignment that occurs when this type of focus is implemented.

The phenomenon of magnification also appears in other forms though. Along with simply defining what it is you want in a precise manner, you can take advantage of the additional power magnification provides by increasing the degree of focus that is given to it as well. When you give your attention to a single subject, you begin to vibrationally align with the subject in question and you begin to attract more of that subject into your life, but when you give extended focus to it, not only on multiple occasions, but also more extensive and intensive attention each time you focus upon it, the attraction between yourself and that subject becomes even stronger.

For example, let's say you want a specific car. So, like most people, the thought of owning a specific car likely dances through your head when you see the car and then it just leaves on its own as you switch your focus to other subjects. If you were to continue focusing on owning the car though, rather than simply switching your focus to other subjects immediately thereafter, the attraction between yourself and that subject would be magnified and it would be all the more stronger as a result. You can do this with any subject you want to make more apparent in your life as well.

The phenomenon of magnification also manifests itself in the form of feelings. Whenever you feel good, you are in a position that feels better than others, but you are also in a position that feels slightly worse than that of feeling extremely great, or some feeling that feels better than just feeling good. You can increase the attraction that exists between yourself and any subject by improving the way you feel as you give it your attention. If you give your attention to a subject that makes you feel good, but then you give your attention to the subject in a way that makes you feel great, you have just magnified the way you feel and you have increased the power of the attraction that exists between yourself and that subject.

The concept of addition is another powerful phenomenon that may be used to your advantage as a law of attraction practitioner. When you understand the importance of this concept, you can instantly add to the attraction that exists between yourself and whatever it is you desire. The concept of addition comes into play when you are focusing upon multiple subjects that are related to one another. Related subjects consist of vibrations of similar frequencies. Whenever you focus on all of them together though, you add to the power of the attraction that exists between yourself and the primary vibration from which they are composed. By focusing on subjects that are related to one another, you become more vibrationally aligned with their core vibration. So, when you give your attention to one of the subjects, you are essentially attracting all of them into your life. You can use this concept to your advantage in a multitude of ways too.

For example, if you want to be wealthy, you can think about multiple subjects that are related to your vision of what it is like to be wealthy. So, if you think having nice cars, nice houses, and great vacations are indicators of wealth, then you can focus on all of these subjects while feeling good to attract wealth into your life. By focusing on multiple subjects that are related to the primary subject you want to see more frequently in your life, you can add to the power of the attraction that exists between yourself and the primary subject of your focus.

Now that you understand how these concepts work synergistically with the law of attraction to create extraordinary results, you can use them to your advantage to create the life you have always wanted to live. If you would like to get started on a large project, you now understand that you simply need to start taking the smallest of steps today and soon those small steps will evolve into large leaps that will be rapidly taking you towards the fulfillment of your ultimate goal. You now also understand that you can magnify the power of the attraction that exists between yourself and what it is you want simply by defining it in more definitive terms and by giving more of your attention to it as well. You can also add to the power of the attraction that exists between yourself and a desire by simply giving more of your attention to subjects that are vibrating in harmony with the primary subject you want to attract.

Once you understand that the thoughts you think, that which you give your attention, and the way you feel are the sources of everything you ever experience in this lifetime, you will then likely understand the importance of deliberately giving your attention to your desires. Once you start deliberately giving your attention to your desires, you will then be harnessing the power of each and every one of these concepts in your life.