Thoughts Are Real

When you focus on anything, you are focusing on energy vibrating at specific frequencies. When you give your attention to any vibrational frequency though, you personally begin to vibrate in harmony with what it is you are focusing upon. This is why good ideas often feel good and bad ideas often feel bad.

When you focus on being wealthy, you are focusing on the vibration of wealth, you feel the corresponding feeling of wealth within your body, and you begin to vibrate in harmony with wealth. When you focus on being healthy, you are once again focusing upon energy vibrating at a specific frequency and you feel the frequency of well-being you are thinking about reverberate throughout your body as you begin to vibrate more like the vibration you are focusing upon.

Since everything is energy vibrating at specific frequencies, including that which you are experiencing right now, when you think about any vibration, you are actually experiencing the vibration of what it is you are thinking about just as you would be if it were present in your current reality. This is important, because when you think about what it is you want, you are actually experiencing it in that moment.

Many people struggle with the idea of focusing on their desires for the purpose of attracting them through their focus. If you understand the concept that was just explained though, you understand that you are not just thinking about your desires when you have thoughts about them, but you are actually experiencing them and feeling them as a result.

Think about the implications of this truth for a moment. When you give your attention to what it is you want as if it is already yours, you are actually feeling the feeling of having it right now. Imagine that for a second. You are feeling the feeling of having it now. You are experiencing the experience of having it now. You are living your dreams. This has important implications that can completely change your life if you understand that you are indeed experiencing what it is you desire as you give it your attention through your thoughts.

Everything in the Universe, including your senses, what most people call their reality, is energy vibrating at various frequencies. Thought too is energy vibrating at specific frequencies. This means that your thoughts are just as real as your senses. When you are thinking about having what it is you want right now, you are literally experiencing the having of it right now just as you would be if you were experiencing it right now through your senses.

Now, that fact alone may seem like a good enough reason to think about your desires right now, but there are other reasons why you should focus on them still. When you focus on anything, you begin to vibrate in harmony with what it is you are focusing upon, because you too consist of vibrational energy. Like attracts like in this universe though. When you begin to vibrate in harmony with a specific vibration, you begin to attract more of that vibration, and vibrations of a similar frequency, into your life.

As you give your attention to having what it is you want right now, you begin to vibrate in harmony with the having of it right now and you attract matching experiences into your life. If you can enjoy thoughts of your desire right now, and if you can hold onto the feeling of experiencing its fulfillment right now, it will then have to enter your experience, because you are working with a law known as the law of attraction.

That which you are thinking, feeling, and experiencing are always a perfect vibrational match. As you change the way you feel, you change that which you are thinking and experiencing. If you change that which you are thinking, you change that which you are feeling and experiencing. If you change that which you are experiencing, you change that which you are thinking and feeling.

You now hold all of the keys you need to create the life of your dreams. You can truly start to experience the life of your dreams immediately by thinking about it too. As you think about the type of experience you would like to live, you will literally have that experience through your thoughts and you will begin to attract it into your life as you become increasingly vibrationally harmonized with it.