The Time Of Awakening

Humankind is on the brink of great advances in every area of science and knowledge. As a result of the information age, the computer age, humankind is capable of completing tasks that were not even imaginable before. Today, the sharing of knowledge and information is happening at a more rapid pace than ever before. As more people learn about the true nature of existence, more and more people will then have the ability to harness the incredible database of knowledge that is at their disposal to create their dream lives.

Once people truly understand who they are, God in physical form, they will feel alive, they will feel conscious, and they will feel empowered. This process has already occurred to a great extent too, so it could easily be said that we are already in the time of awakening.

Once you understand that you are God in physical form, and you understand that your thoughts have the potential to create your life experience, you will then be in a very powerful position. By simply directing your thoughts towards what it is you want, and by thinking about the life experiences you want to live, you can effectively create your life experience.

There are many people around the world who already do this on a regular basis. You too can create the life of your dreams by thinking about what it is you want as if it is already in your present reality. The Universe is an infinite collection of vibrations. The Universe also brings vibrations that are of a similar nature together. For this reason, when you change the way you feel, your personal vibrational frequency, you attract experiences that are harmonized with the newly established way in which you feel.

Once you know this to be true, you will certainly want to start directing your thoughts in a way that will benefit your life going into the future. You can always tell if you are moving towards something you want or something you do not want simply by observing the way you feel. If you feel good as you give your attention to something, you are at that moment moving towards what it is you want. If you do not feel good as you give your attention to something though, you are at that moment moving towards something you do not want.

You can quantify your journeys towards what it is you want too. When you think about your desires while feeling good, you are moving in the direction of what it is you want, but when you think about something and do not feel good, you are at that moment taking a detour that does not lead directly to the fulfillment of your desires. You can use this information by continually asking yourself whether or not that which you are giving your attention in any given moment makes you feel better or worse as a result. If it makes you feel better, you can be confident you are moving towards the fulfillment of your desires. If it feels worse though, you can be confident you have taken a temporary detour that does not lead directly to the fulfillment of your desires.

With this knowledge, you can proceed forward always knowing which direction you are moving on your journey through life. When you feel good, you will know that you are moving towards what it is you want and when you do not feel good, you will know that you are thereby moving in a different direction. This process becomes even more useful when you know how to properly think about your desires too.

If you want to create a specific experience, simply think about what it is you want as if it is already in your current life experience. As you think about what you want as if it is already in your current life experience, you will then discover what it feels like to actually experience its manifestation. Since the way you feel is your point of attraction, you will then be moving towards the fulfillment of your desires rather quickly as long as you feel the way you would feel were your desires to truly be fulfilled. It is important that you stabilize the way you feel though by consistently focusing on the feeling of already having what it is you want as you create your dream life so that you may consistently create desirable results.