Why The Law Of Attraction Works

When most people think of the law of attraction, they think of the saying like attracts like. While this is true, it can be difficult to discern what this simple statement actually means. The Universe is a vibrational universe. Everything is energy vibrating at specific frequencies. Energies that are vibrating at similar frequencies are thereby drawn together.

That is the basic principle upon which the law of attraction operates. When most people refer to the law of attraction though, they are referring to a power people can harness to create the life of their dreams. This is where your personal vibration enters the picture.

Your body, like everything else in existence, is energy vibrating at specific frequencies. Your body is also attracted to frequencies that are of a like nature. For this reason, you attract people, places, things, etc. that are vibrating at a frequency that is similar to your personal vibration.

One indicator of your personal vibration is the way you feel. When you feel good, you are attracting good feeling experiences into your life. This is why the way you feel is your point of attraction. You can create any type of life you want to live by controlling the way you feel too since the way you feel is your point of attraction.

There are numerous ways in which you can go about controlling your point of attraction. You can use thoughts, your senses, and actions to effect changes in the way you feel. If you would like to create the life of your dreams, you will have to start deliberately directing your attention around the Universe in order to place your attention upon subjects that make you feel good.

Once you start giving your attention to subjects that make you feel good, you will begin attracting good feeling subjects into your life. This occurs, because your personal vibration changes as you give your attention to anything. As you focus upon a subject, you begin to vibrate in harmony with that subject and you thereby attract subjects of a similar vibrational nature unto you.

As you attempt to improve the way you feel in order to improve your point of attraction, you can truly do anything that makes you feel better to accomplish this task. For instance, as you think about what it is you want, you can enjoy exaggerated experiences involving your desire to feel very good while doing so.

It is important to remember that the law of attraction is always taking effect throughout the day. For this reason, if you only give a limited portion of your attention to your desire each day, but then let your focus go wherever it may the rest of the time, you will create a mixed point of attraction, because everything you give your attention affects your point of attraction, the way you feel.

If you feel very good while giving your attention to a subject, thought, or experience, you are at that moment attracting that subject unto you. If you do not feel great positive emotion as you give your attention to a subject though, you are still attracting that subject unto you, but the attraction is not as powerful as it would be if you were feeling such strong emotion.

When you give your attention to a subject, you begin to vibrate in harmony with it. If you give your attention to a subject, but you do not feel substantial emotion while doing so, this indicates you are presently vibrating at a frequency that is rather similar to the subject you are focusing upon. If you do feel substantial positive emotion as you give your attention to a subject though, you are thereby shifting your point of attraction to a much higher, faster, and purer frequency and you will begin to attract experiences that match that vibrational frequency into your life as a result.

Basically, when you feel good, you are attracting pleasing experiences into your life and when you feel really good while giving your attention to a subject, you are creating a strong attraction between that subject and yourself. With this knowledge, you can now create any type of life you want to live.