Improve The Average Thought

Being that your present thought is in all probability of a like nature to the average thought considered by all people on Earth, you can easily improve the average thought of all people on Earth by improving your own average thought. In other words, the more desirable do your thoughts become on average, the more desirable is the average thought of all people on Earth becoming. Ergo, you have the power to improve the average thought being considered by everyone else simply by improving your own thoughts. Thus, as you are thinking thoughts that produce positive emotions within you, the average thought of everyone else is thereby improving, and the greater is the degree of positive emotion being experienced, the greater is the extent to which the average thought of everyone else is also improving.

It is for this reason that you may now see just how important it is that you begin to choose more desirable thoughts, because in doing so, you are then improving all of the thoughts everyone else thinks. Just by choosing to think about a topic that produces positive emotions within you, the average thought of everyone else around you will be thereby improved, and the happier does any particular subject make you, the greater is the degree to which the average thought of everyone else is also being improved.