Raise Your Vibration

The rate of your vibration is a key metric in determining the nature of your life. The higher in frequency is your personal vibration, the more desirable does your life become. Thus, by raising your vibration, you immediately increase the desirability of your reality, and the more extensively are you able to raise it, the more extensively is your reality thereby being improved. For this reason, it becomes of paramount importance that your vibration be raised immediately as much as possible to further improve the desirability of your life experiences.

This is easily done too since your vibration may be readily perceived in the form of your personal activity. In other words, the greater is your level of activity, the higher is your rate of vibration. Ergo, the more actions do you take, the higher must your rate of vibration then be since action is the manifestation of a higher rate of vibration than that of stillness. Due to this effect, in the moment you begin taking an action, you are then experiencing a higher rate of vibration in return, and the more actions do you take, the higher must your rate of vibration then be.

The desirability of your action also plays a key role in determining your rate of vibration though. Not only is physical activity a key metric in determining your rate of vibration, but the degree to which you enjoy doing the activity that is chosen will also play a role in determining your vibration as well. More desirable activities are of vibrations that are of a higher frequency, and you will undoubtedly be willing to take such actions more often due to their higher desirability. Therefore, to get started using this principle to your advantage, begin looking for actions you can take that will increase your level of activity while simultaneously looking for activities that you enjoy to a greater degree. The result will naturally be a more active lifestyle which translates into a more desirable life experience overall.

Even so, action doesn't only manifest in the form of physical activity, because it also manifests itself in the form of your emotions. When you are experiencing positive emotion for instance, you are perceiving a change in your personal rate of vibration, and the greater is the degree of positivity being experienced, the greater is the rate of change in your vibration that is being perceived. Thus, as you are deliberately thinking happier thoughts that produce more desirable emotions, you are then taking an action that is raising your rate of vibration, and the more often are such actions taken, the greater is the degree to which your vibration is being raised, as is perceived in the form of a life experience that is increasing in desirability.